Contact Us

 At Semir, we are proud to offer highest quality products and provide the best Customer services, We are understand sometimes, things happen and we are always here to help. 
You can contact us directly via the following methods so that our customer service team can provide further assistance.
Mon - Friday 10.00 AM – 6.00PM (EST).
Live Chat
Online live support available daily at the following hours:
10.00 AM – 6.00PM (EST).
Get in touch with us by submitting the following form. We will respond within 1 business day.
Please contact with customer service team by sending email to: or submit below contact form, we aim to respond within 24 hours. However, during busy periods like holidays, sales and special campaigns, we may take a little longer getting back to you. 
Working Hours: 12/hours, Monday to Saturday.
Note: Please contact with customer service team in advance when you want to initiate return.